Si-Qin, Timur b.1984 / Truth by Peace Ⅲ
about this work
Timur Si-Qin's work seeks to detract from the aura of human self-importance using an expanding understanding of human history and its connection with the natural world. Commercial and stock photography feature prominently, intending to examine a broader question of why patterns and shapes occur so persistently in our world of image and media hyper-proliferation. A leading figure among a generation of artists associated with the philosophical movements of "New Materialism" and "Speculative Realism", the artist seeks to understand how materiality and its tendencies define contemporary experience and structure our interaction within the world.

Previously, 'PEACE' has been a brand the artist initiated for exhibitions - a brand image incorporating the PEACE slogan with a white and grey Taoist Taiji symbol. Si-Qin mimics New York fashion brand Hood by Air’s sub-brand HBA, creating his own TBP (Truth by Peace) version in Beijing, one evoking K-Pop culture, as well as the production of large-scale commercial images. For Si-Qin, the adaptation of the brand undergoes a transformation similar to metamorphic processes found in the natural world - they derive from matter shifting through phase transitions from one attractor to another. Informed by the qualities and form of rock minerals, the 'Truth by Peace' series constitutes a conceptual brand released by the artist under the banner of which includes the production of sculpture and light-box installations. Geological transformation is used as a metaphor for a consumer culture heated, pressurized and compressed in order to generate new patterns and forms. Here, Si-Qin presents our culture as material itself, a world where objects have a life outside of our relationship them and where biology forms a dynamic of visceral experiences and reactions beyond their physical suggestion.

Timur Si-Qin (b.1984, Germany/ Mongolia)

Truth by Peace Ⅲ, 2015

Backlit tension fabric display, aluminum frame, LED light system
200 x 200 cm
78 3/4 x 78 3/4 in.
Magician Space, Beijing, China Current Location:
Hong Kong - BRINK'S HK PhotographFar East


Simon Zhou, Timur Si-Qin: Biogenic Mineral
Timeout (Magazine), May, 2015

related works / Timur Si-Qin / Far East / Photograph