Galhotra, Vibha b.1978 / Works in Progress
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Galhotra, Vibha b.1978 / Works in ProgressGalhotra, Vibha b.1978 / Works in ProgressGalhotra, Vibha b.1978 / Works in ProgressGalhotra, Vibha b.1978 / Works in ProgressGalhotra, Vibha b.1978 / Works in Progress
about this work
"The urbanscape of Delhi has been taken over by construction and construction sites. In this maze of flyovers, malls and forever widening roads. Bricks register as motifs as we encounter them spilling on to the roads, blocking our pavements and serve as constant reminders to the take over of the urban scape. For the artists, the new towering sites are like aliens armed with monstrous machines. Casting the bricks in bronze is not only a device that captures this moment in permanence, but also carries as a metaphor money that drives this boom."
(Vibha Galhotra)

Vibha Galhotra (b.1978, India)

Works in Progress, 2008

Sculpture, casted metal
Variable - approx.: 140 cm
Variable - approx.: 55 1/8 in.
Espace Gallery, New Delhi, India Current Location:
UK - London - Brinks InstallationSouth Asia

related works / Vibha Galhotra / South Asia / Installation