Noor, Yudi b.1971 / Take Time to Think
about this work
Full title:
Take time to THINK, it is the source of power 
Take time to READ, it is the foundation of wisdom 
Take time to be QUIET, it is the opportunity to seek God 
Take time to DREAM, it is what the future is made of 
Take time to PRAY, it is the greatest power on earth 
The outside sky and the sky inside are the same

This piece was bought from an antique collector in Java.  It is a traditional Javanese wood carving with a Hindu mandala ornament from 1928.  Made from old jackfruit tree that grows in the garden, not from the rainforest. Jackfruit is a common fruit in Indonesia which is part of everyday dishes in middle Java. This piece is made in 31 pieces and carved for the window frame of a teak wood house.  
The poem title is written on the back and signed. The neon light in yellow gives reflection to the warm color used often by Buddhist monks, and the sign is a sanskrit symbol for no ending and no beginning.  

Yudi Noor (b.1971, Indonesia)

Take Time to Think, 2009

Mixed media
262 x 310 x 7 cm
103 1/8 x 122 1/16 x 2 3/4 in.
Nettie Horn Gallery, London, UK Current Location:
UK - London - Brinks Mixed Media Wall WorkSouth Asia


Beautiful Decay, Yudi Noor
(Online), 2017
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